Bald Eagle Photo taken with a Motorola Droid Phone Camera through a high powered telescope.
March 3, 2016 Robinson Preserve, Bradenton, Florida.

Hey, oh Expert and most Wonderful Guru daughter.  The Marine Corps has copytrighted all their Eagle, Globe, and Anchor (EGA)  images below and does not want us putting them up. The most iconic image I have is the Eagle and Globe above which I took with my cell phone through a telescope. I would like to make it into my own EGA.  Could you add an anchor - not the Marine Corps anchor but another one that is original - drawing or photo.  I think it could go in the upper right corner or below, but what ever you think. It could also have the words Semper Fi, Marines or Jarhead. And I will likely use all the alternatives on my blog. Thanks much. Love you.,with%20the%20Marine%20Corps%20seal.&text=The%20Marine%20Corps%20also%20maintains,Eagle%2C%20Globe%2C%20and%20Anchor.


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