Our community is part of the Country Club Edgewater Village Association
and we pay for these services. The information below describes what it does.
Calendar: https://www.lakewoodranchgov.org/reservations/month.php?year=2019&month=12&day=02&area=1&room=6
Here is the response I received from CEVA:
Gary Chapman
Hello, Gary, and thank you for the email. By copy I am also asking Gary Glass to reach out to you, he is the Director of Community Association Services and supports CEVA, along with his team. He can help with getting you connected to the HOA and CDD website. You may also find it’s helpful to have a representative from Waterfront attend our CEVA monthly meetings at Town Hall, all of our neighborhoods, including condo’s are encouraged to attend. The next meeting is January 28 at 3pm.
CEVA’s main role is to provide governance and management for our Homeowners as defined in the Covenants, Articles, Declarations, By-Laws and HOA Manual of the Association. In the CEVA budget process, it is recognized that as a Condo you have a further set of documents and a management organization and there are parts of the CEVA support structure that are not charged to condo’s. We try to be a homeowner friendly organization and work closely with the CDD’s and Condo’s as well as the local CERT (community emergency response team) organization and Community Activities Services (Main St and local Community events and clubs).
Click to read the manual