Waterfront Residents:
You are invited to join the Waterfront Dinner Club, a group of residents who will be getting together twice a month to dine at local restaurants. We will start off with some of the Main Street establishments and then move outward from there.
If you are interested, please RSVP to Jim Addison by Noon on Sunday August 11th, at jbacpa1@gmail.com so that reservations can be made.
We will be meeting at our Clubhouse at 6PM and then walk down to Main Street at 6:15PM.
We will do separate checks to keep things easy.
Date: Monday, August 12th
Time: 6PM our Clubhouse
We will leave promptly at 6:15PM
Venue: Grove Restaurant
If you can’t make it this time, or not a fan of the venue, no worries, you’ll be notified of our next “excursion”.
This email is being sent only to Waterfront at Main Street residents that have chosen to make their email address available onwaterfrontatmainstreet.com. If you would like to be removed from future emails please let me know.
Regards, Jim Addison
Bldg. 1 Unit 302